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Kitten Wrap


Kitten Wrap


Kitten Wrap

from £4.50

This luxury hand lettered gift wrap, hand designed by Chau in our Oxfordshire studio, features a minimal and impactful cat pattern, perfect for gifting to all cat lovers alike. 

Each wrap is printed in the UK using 115gsm silk paper and vegetable based gold foil ink which shall add a touch of care and luxury to your present. Each wrap is measured 50x70cm (20x28") and comes folded in a cellophane bag. 

Please note we can only send the wrapping paper rolled in a postal tube for orders over 5 sheets in order to help you minimize postal costs. 

All products at Chau Art proudly hand designed and hand finished in our Oxfordshire studio, United Kingdom. 

Produce code: CA-W01.

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