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"Love" square card

GC-S40 - LOVE.jpg
GC-S40 - LOVE 2.jpg
GC-S40 - LOVE 1.jpg
GC-S40 - LOVE.jpg
GC-S40 - LOVE 2.jpg
GC-S40 - LOVE 1.jpg

"Love" square card


Express your love and affection in style with this delicate and decorative card. The word "Love" is designed in blocks of leaf and floral folio - which would also look great in a standard 5x5" picture frame.

The card is blank inside and is thus versatile for various occasions such as birthday, anniversary, Mother's day card, etc.

Each card is measured 12.5x12.5 cm (5x5") and comes with a white laid envelope. BLANK INSIDE.

Proudly hand designed and produced in London, United Kingdom.

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