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"So meant to bee" card

GC321 - So meant to bee card 1.jpg
GC321 - So meant to bee card 2.jpg
GC321 - So meant to bee card 1.jpg
GC321 - So meant to bee card 2.jpg

"So meant to bee" card


Product code: GC321.

Each card at Chau Art has been elaborately hand designed and cut by hand before being laser cut on high quality 300gsm paper.

The humorous little card will surely put a smile on your partner's. The two bumble bees very much in love are illustrated with gold foil printing as the text playfully reads "So meant to bee". The design is perfect for various occasions such as Valentine's Day, anniversary or your partner's birthday.

Each card is measured 4x6" (10.5x15cm) and is BLANK INSIDE for your own message.

All of our products are proudly produced and hand finished in our North London studio, United Kingdom.

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