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He/She A5 Notebook


He/She A5 Notebook


He/She A5 Notebook

from £12.50

This pair of cheerful and minimalist notebooks come in the convenient A5 size, perfect for note jotting and daily journal. This notebook comes in both male and female version - providing a special gift for those newly wed or just a journal to keep between spouse.

The cover is originally hand designed by Chau in  our Oxfordshire studio using minimalist imagery of female eyelids and a simplified mustache. Each cover is then lasercut on heavyweight 350gsm paper to provides a long lasting protection for your notes. 

Main features:
• Dimension: 14.8(w) x 21(h) x 1.8(t) cm.
• Colours: black and gold.
• 350 gsm papercut cover.
• 120 x 100 gsm ivory FSC certified paper pages.
• Mixed lined and black pages. 

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