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"Bird and Anemone"

William Morris collection

"Bird and Anemone"


"Bird and Anemone"


All designs in this collection are within an exclusive collaboration between Chau Art and William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, London. 

Inspired by William Morris' wallpaper and tapestry design, this collection features Chau's entirely hand cut designs that stay close and truthful to Morris' intricate and expressive textile surface.Each card is a piece of artwork on its own - representing a lace like and embroidered look that is both novel and traditional. 
Due to their level of details, these cards are laser cut on 210 gsm paper, so their feel is even more fragile and precious. This is a card to keep, to hold. 

Each card is measured 12.5x17.5 cm and is accompanied with a matching coloured envelope for an extra touch of luxury. 

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